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Nottingham Void Property Cleaning Services

Do you need help cleaning up a void property in Nottingham?

Our team of trained professionals are experienced in dealing with void properties across Nottingham and operate with complete discretion.

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Nottingham Void Property Cleaning

Vacant or unoccupied premises can provide an ideal opportunity for vandalism and anti-social behaviour to take place. When squatters or unruly tenants are evicted, the empty property can often be left in an uninhabitable state with large amounts of waste and damage left behind for the landlord or management to clean up.

CES Group’s void property cleaning service ensures a rapid response from trained professionals who complete a safe removal of harmful sharps or other hazardous waste, to ensure the risk of infection is eliminated. We provide an emergency void property cleaning service in Nottingham 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our team of expert technicians are experienced in dealing with delicate circumstances and provide a fast response with complete discretion.

Our Void Cleaning Service Includes:

What is Void Property Cleaning?

Void property cleaning is specialist cleaning service tailored for vacated or void properties. When a property becomes abandoned or vacant by previous tenants or squatters, many times the properties can be left in an inhabitable state and require a thorough disinfection and deep cleaning.

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Our Void Property Cleaning Service

A high proportion of waste that can be found in vacant properties in Nottingham is often hazardous, including drug paraphernalia such as needles, syringes, and bodily fluid that can harbour infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B and HIV, which can be very difficult to dispose of safely, slowing down the process of re-letting or selling the property. When performing a void property clean-up, it is important that this process is performed safely using the correct biohazard cleaning and sharps removal equipment, and that the right personal protective equipment is worn, due to the risk of exposure to infectious diseases.

Our void property cleaning is suitable for a range of property premises and can be tailored to suit your needs. In the past, we have carried out void cleaning for properties that have been previously occupied by squatters, hoarders, and unruly tenants. Our client ranges have included landlord, private tenancy, housing associations, local authorities, and social housing.

Following a detailed risk assessment of your Nottingham premises, our local void property cleaning technicians will restore your premises back to normality with a comprehensive biohazard clean and disinfection, to help ensure that your premise is clean and safe to be to re-let or to be sold as quickly as possible.

Our on-void property cleaning specialist consultants and technicians undergo a comprehensive training programme. Our extensive internal training program, together with our vast experience, ensures that our consultants and technicians provide a professional solution to every kind of extreme or hazardous cleaning situation.

Yes, we’re a fully registered upper-tier waste carrier, enabling our technicians to remove any waste in a legally safe manner.

Areas Covered

When you need a specialist void property cleaner in an emergency situation CES Group is ready to respond.  Our team of cleaning technicians and maintenance engineers is strategically positioned throughout the length and breadth of the UK including:

We’re ready to help with our rapid response call outs any time of the day, any day of the week – all year round. 

Specialist cleaning and multi trade repair company
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CES Group Specialist Cleaning Services